Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tom DeLay Found Guilty of Money Laundering

As many of you know, Tom DeLay was found guilty of money laundering on Wednesday, November 24.  He will be sentenced to life in prison on December 20.  However, DeLay is appealing this case on lack of evidence and I would have to support him on this.  There was no hard evidence to suggest that he did any money laundering.  According to DeLay’s attorney, DeGuerin, "It was not criminal for there to be a money swap — that is for lawful money, collected from corporations for the national Republican party, and for the Republican Party to send money collected from individuals to the Texas Republican Party. That was not unlawful."  According to Barry Pollack, a Washington-based white-collar criminal defense attorney, "Typically, in money laundering, you can trace the laundered money directly back to the illicit money. Here, you can't.
To me though I believe the main reason Tom DeLay was found guilty is because he is a strong Republican and was tried in a very liberal county, Travis County.  If this case was in a more moderate county I guarantee DeLay would have been found not guilty because of the lack of evidence.  When he takes this case to the appeals court I would be very shocked if they don’t say that he is not guilty because there was no evidence to suggest he was guilty. 
In the end though, even if Tom DeLay is found not guilty by the appeals court he will most likely never be able to run and win again because of this money laundering case. This is a shame because he is a very good and strong Republican.              
Click the titles below for more information about this case:

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