Thursday, November 11, 2010

Response to Texas & Local Government: Friend or Foe?

Cecilia Hernandez, I think you misunderstood what the article, “The Grey Haired Brigade,” was saying.  It was not saying that younger people are stupid and can not make good decisions about government.  He was saying that the younger generation did not care about government as much as the older generation did, and he is right about that.  Voter turnout is lower for younger people then older people.  Younger people, as he said, care more about their jobs and lifestyle then government.  The reason for this is because the older generation made sure that the country would be in a good state for their children and grandchildren. 

This is one of the first times that the country has been down and the younger generations have had a say in what we should do.  So when think about, the younger generation is new at making decisions with government while the “grey haired brigade” has had experience in government.  We need to be saved by the “Grey Haired Brigade” so that we can see the difference between policy that works and policy that sounds good.  Through out the 2008 election all I heard about was that “Obama is a great speaker unlike Bush and McCain.”  What people should have been focused on was whose policy is going to work better.  Obama’s policy sounded like socialism, while McCain would have worked much better and not increased the national debt by so much.  Also, we would not have this stupid Health Care System.   

That’s what Fred meant in his article and I believe he hit every point very well.  Also, it looks like the Grey Haired Brigade did their job this election.                   

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