Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Response to Texas My Texas

The following is to a response to a commentary titled:

What to do about those pesky drug cartels...

I agree with you completely saying we need to send US’s special units to help deal with this drug cartel problem.  You have to fight fire with fire to get any message to these drug lords.  The special units would not have the restrictions that the army would have and they will get the job done in a timely manner. The army would be useless because of the restrictions and they have to deal with the corruption in the Mexican government. 

I also agree with you in saying we would never be able to cut off the supply of drugs coming into the US because to many people in the US use these drugs.  We have made these drugs illegally and yet they still are finding ways into the US.  It is the same as when the US tried banning alcohol; it just will not work. 

They only way to help solve this problem is “getting our hands dirty” and send our special units into Mexico to help deal with this.  It is the only way I see that could help these killings stop in Mexico, especially with all the corruption in Mexico.      
 For the orginal blog click the following: What to do about those pesky drug cartels...