Thursday, October 28, 2010

Poll: Likely voters ready to embrace GOP

With the upcoming House and Senate race many voters are planning to vote republican this year. The reason behind this is many people, 59 percent, think the country is headed in the wrong direction with this democratic controlled congress and president. They want the economy to get back on track and many think the republican party can do it. The democratic party has just spent more money than have with no results. Our debt has been raised dramatically, the unemployment rate is still around 10 percent and not many jobs have been created. Another reason people are not supporting the democratic party is because of Obama’s health care plan.
Republicans are hoping that with a big victory here so they can improve the economy, they hope to take back Washington in 2012. With success this election many republicans are hoping to gain support for the 2012 presidential election. People are disgusted with politics now and with successes in the economy and job creation republican support can only grow. Also, many do not like what Obama has done with his “stupid” stimulus package and with his continuous decline in popularity, republican support is gaining for the upcoming elections.
In conclusion, Obama’s election might have been one of the best things for republicans to happen, because it has brought the party more together and also many are frustrated with the democratic party. Many hate this Health care plan and hate all the spending Obama has been doing. Republicans are planning to cut down on spending and get rid of the health care plan by saying its unconstitutional. We will have to wait and see what happens with politics in the next few years. 
Click this to read the full article.  

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Grey-Haired Brigade

The article “The Grey-Haired Brigade” by Fred from the blog, “TexasFred,” is about how this November you are defiantly going to see more older people(the Grey Haired Brigade because most have grey hair) at the voting booth trying to fix all the problems with the Democratic President and Congress. Fred’s target audience is toward the older people, but also anybody who wants to fix these problem that our government has caused, “No jobs, lost mortgages, higher taxes, and less freedom.” Fred starts out his argument by writing that we, older people, or as the young say “gone over the hill,” still have things that we need to finish with our country before we go. He then writes about all the experience they went through. We were the ones that studied math and science and made America the great nation that it is today. We fought and won in World War II, fought in Korea and Vietnam. We know the pledge of Allegiance by heart and get emotional when saying it. Many of us have experienced what you young have read in text books. We are never ashamed of our great county. Fred’s next point is that they may be old, but they still got one more fight in them. They did not fight the cold war for “Socialist States of America” but for “land of free and home of brave.” We old people are going to fix your mistakes and hopefully this time, you will learn what not to do. You young people fell for Obama’s “Hope and Change” when really he meant, “Lets be a Socialist Country.” We did not fight all those wars against tyranny and socialism just to see our country become it. We will fight against this and hopefully this time you will not be persuaded so easily to lies. The Grey Brigade is coming so watch out, roads might go a little bit slower in November. You can read the full article by clicking on the title.